Mal so in die Runde gefragt: Weiß eigentlich irgendein Mensch auf die Welt, was in Blue Cloud drin ist??? Mineral, Partikelgröße etc. Ich finde erschreckend wenig... eigentlich gar nichts bzw. nichtssagende IG/Lexikon- bzw. Produktwerbeaussagen.
Das ist jetzt konkret und nicht rhetorisch gefragt!
Laut Sack ist ja "no arsenic, free silica or lime" (Arsen, Quarz und Kalk?) drin...
Und als Notiz - wer weiß wofür mal gut:
Blue Cloud Chinchilla Dust Deposit. Location: sec. 32, T. 5 X., R. 15 W., S. B. M.. in Bouquet Canyon. Los Angeles County, about 15 miles northeast of Saugus. Ownership : Blue Cloud ilineral Company. W. C. Harris, president. 519 8th Street, X'ewhall. California. The Blue Cloud deposit (Gay and Hoffman, 1954, p. 552) is in a stratum of slightly altered tuffaeeous sedi- ment that lies between sandstones of the upper Miocene Mint Canyon formation. The tuffaeeous stratum is about 6 feet thiek, strikes N. 60° W.. dips
0° southwest, and can be traced for about 1 mile in a northwesterly direc- tion from Bouquet Canyon. The tuffaeeous sediment is friable and has a blue-gray color; such properties are favorable to its use as chin- chilla dusting powder. The tuffaeeous sediment is mined by open pit methods from a quarry which in 1952 had a" face 40 feet long and 25 feet high. Blasting is required to mine the material which is removed with crowbars and wheelbarrow. Careful sorting is necessary to avoid contamination with overburden. At the mill,' which is situated at the deposit, the material is pulverized in a roll crusher and hammer mill passed through vibrating screens, dried and steri- lized at 600° F. temperature in a rotating gas-fired kiln, and packaged in 50-pound paper bags for shipment. The screens are adjusted to maintain a desired particle size ranging between 20- and 200-mesh in the finished product. The deposit has been operated since 1950 and by 1953 a production rate of about 50 tons a month was main- tained. The local market for chinchilla dust is limited to several chinchilla farms in San Fernando Valley. In addition to the local market, the sacked dust is dis- tributed throughout the Central States and to foreign mai'kets. ... h_djvu.txt (txt) / ... 00calirich (andere Formate)