Da soll was drin stehen über Fuchsia als mögliche Futterpflanze
http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/1 ... 0961882923Eventuell ist es aber auch nur Gesträuch, das im Forschungsgebiet wächst.
Dazu gibt es Hinweise, dass in Neuseeland eingeschleppte Fuchsia-Pflanzen von Possums bzw. Beutelgetier gefressen wird. Beispielsweise folgendes Snippet spuckt Google Scholar aus.
"For example, fuchsia, a highly pre- ferred possum food, was detected in 32 % of ..."
Quelle: M Clout (2006): Keystone aliens? The multiple impacts of brushtail possums. Biological Invasions in New Zealand, 2006 - Springer
Ich hab dir dazu sogar noch ein viel besseres zitat:
In many locations in New Zealand fuchsia has sustained heavy browsing by
introduced brushtail possums and deer and is in population decline
(Bellingham et al., 1999; Urlich and Brady, 2005). The population density of
possums varies among different forest types, as does their preferred diet.
Fuchsia is a preferentially palatable species in most forest types and
consequently is commonly used as a browse indicator (Payton et al., 1999).
http://researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz/bitstr ... sequence=4Die zitierten Quellen:
Bellingham, P.J.; Wiser, S.K.; Hall, G.M.J.; Alley, J.C.; Allen, R.B.; Suisted,
P.A. 1999. Impacts of possum browsing on the long-term maintenance of
forest biodiversity. Science for Conservation No. 103.
Payton, I.J.; Pekelharing, C.J.; Frampton, C.M. 1999. Foliar browse index: a
method for monitoring possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) damage to plant
species and forest communities. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research,
Urlich, S.C.; Brady, P.J. 2005. Benefits of aerial 1080 possum control to tree
fuchsia in the Tararua Range, Wellington. New Zealand Journal of Ecology
29: 299-309.
Bei der Art handelt es sich allerdings um Fuchsia excorticata, eine der wenigen Neuseeländischen Arten: